
The project team would like to acknowledge the support from the following who have made the project possible; National Museum of Ireland staff; Sharon Weadick, Eamonn McLoughlin, Nessa O’Connor, Eamonn Kelly, Eimear Ashe.

We also thank UCD staff including Clíodhna Ní Lionáin, Angela McAteer, Belinda Whitby, Anita Radini, Connor MacDermott, Aidan O’Sullivan, Jo Bruck, and Emer Cunningham. 

We are grateful to Gwenaëlle Goude of the LAMPEA laboratory (Aix en Provence, France).

We also wish to thank Jean-Jacques Hublin, Amanda Henry (Leiden University), Jelena Jovanović, Laurent Bouby,  Frederica Dal Bollo, Susan Flavin, 

Dominic and Fionnnula Gryson of Cornstown Farm.

The team is also immensely grateful to our funders, the Irish Research Council and Science Foundation Ireland.