bild der wissenschaft. “Was Pilze erzählen” (What mushrooms tell us)”. by Bettina Wurche. October 2024.
AramcoWorld. “Shanidar Cave Yields New Signs of Neanderthal Emotions)”. by Graham Chandler. Febuary 2021.
bild der wissenschaft. “Was Pilze erzählen” (What mushrooms tell us)”. by Bettina Wurche. October 2024.
AramcoWorld. “Shanidar Cave Yields New Signs of Neanderthal Emotions)”. by Graham Chandler. Febuary 2021.
This project has been funded by the Science Foundation Ireland-Irish Research
Council Pathway Scheme (project ID: 21/PATH-A/9284) awarded to Robert Power.
School of Archaeology, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, D04 F6X4, Ireland.
085 8566706